The patient can have a new, bright smile in less than a week.
Porcelain Crowns
Porcelain crowns should be placed after the healing period of 2 months.
Porcelain Crowns Hakkında sıkça sorulan sorular:
Implants are the artificial roots made of titanium that is biocompatible.
Lifetime of the implant is equal to the lifetime of a natural tooth, depending on the correct diagnosis, planning, implementation and oral hygiene.
The success of the implant application after the periodontal treatment is the same with those without any periodontal disease.
There is not any age limitation for the healthy patients. Implants should be applied to the patients after the puberty period.
Teeth Whitening (Dental Bleaching)
Teeth Whitening (Dental Bleaching) is the procedure applied to lighten the darkened teeth due to the various reasons. Hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide that are found in bleaching gel provides whitening by reacting with the dental hard tissue (oxidation).
Teeth Whitening (Dental Bleaching) Hakkında sıkça sorulan sorular:
Dental Bleaching is the procedure preferred for the teenagers and the adults. This treatment can be applied to the patients with good oral health, otherwise tooth sensitivity may ocur. That's why the dental bleaching is applied after the caries, abrasions and the peridodontal diseases are treated. The dental bleaching is successful at the patients with the teeth in yellow shade. The amount of whitening is based on the tooth shade before the bleaching is applied and it varies from person to person.
According to the studies, the dental bleaching is safe and effective enough when it is done under a doctor's care. Teeth and gingiva are not damaged at all.
Today, two different bleaching methods are used: One of them is “home-bleaching” which is to be applied at home by the patient. Steps of application: Dentist takes an impression and prepares the thin plastic application trays. Bleaching gel is applied to the teeth with the individual trays for the minimum of 0.5-2 hours daily (according to the degree of discoloration). The treatment is finished in about 1-2 weeks. The other bleaching method is "Office-bleaching" performed by the dentist. Steps of the application: The bleaching gel is applied to the teeth by the experienced dentist. Also light is applied to the involved teeth for certain time. Mild and moderate discolorations can be whitened by the special light sources in an hour in the office whereas home bleaching is also needed for the severe ones. Home bleaching can be applied also with a thin penlike brush.
Teeth will always be whiter than before. The first bleaching process will greatly affect the success of the treatment. The other important factors are the consumption of tea, coffee and colorful drinks as well as smoking and the oral hygiene. One or two extra treatments can be needed according to the degree of the discoloration.
This extra treatment does not take such long time. After the dental bleaching, whitening toothpastes and thin penlike whitening brush can be used. These applications extend the life of whitening.