The patient can have a new, bright smile in less than a week.
Porcelain Laminate Veneers
Porcelain Laminate Veneers are wafer-thin shells of porcelain (0.3-0.7mm) which are bonded onto the surfaces of teeth visible during a smile. Because porcelain veneers are wafer-thin, they have highlight transmission capabilities and they reflect the shade of the teeth and composite underneath which provides a natural appearance. The most important advantage of porcelain veneers is that the shapes, shades and positions of the teeth can be rehabilitated in 1 week with 2 sessions.
Porcelain veneers have some advantages over the cone crown and bridges:
For the traditional crown and bridge treatments, the enamel tissue that is the protective layer on the tooth surface is completely removed whereas the tiny amount of enamel is removed for the laminates. The amount of the enamel to be removed is determined according to the position of the tooth. For some cases, laminates also can be bonded onto the surfaces of teeth directly without removing any enamel tissue.
The treatment takes a short time. The patient can have a new, bright smile in 5 or 6 days if s/he does not need any periodontal or root canal treatments.
Porcelain laminate veneers can be applied to the patients who are not pleased with the shapes of their teeth and own discolored, spaced, abraded, fractured, filled front teeth.
Porcelain laminate veneers do not debond when they are bonded with the modern adhesives by an experienced dentist. When the laminate veneers are bonded properly and used carefully, they last for 10 to 20 years. In case of chipping of the porcelain (trauma etc.), the veneers can be repaired with the composite filling materials without being removed.
If the patient does not smoke or consume excessive tea or coffee, porcelain laminate veneers do not get discolored because of the material they are made of.
Implant Treatment
The loss of a tooth that is a part of the facial esthetics causes psychological and social problems as well as nutrition, digestion and also leads to the speech disorders.
Up to the 1980s, gaps caused by the tooth loss were eliminated by the dental bridges. For the application of the dental bridges, the minimum of two teeth adjacent to the gap should be prepared. Today, the artificial roots that are called as "implants" and made of titanium are placed within the bone of the jaws without the need for preparing the adjacent teeth. Porcelain crowns that mimic the function and esthetics of the natural teeth are placed onto the titanium roots.
The advantages of the implant applications:
- Teeth adjacent to the gap of the missing tooth are not prepared
- The bone under the gap of the missing tooth is maintained
- Oral care is easier in comparison with the dental bridges.
- Porcelain teeth can be placed one by one like the natural teeth.
- The retention of the total dentures especially for the mandibula increases.
The criteria for the dental implant treatment:
- The patient’s health status
- The patient’s age
- The width of the gap of the missing tooth
- The sufficiency of the bone volume
- The bone density
- Oral Hygiene
- Smoking
Preparation and Implementation Phases of the Implant:
The patient’s health status
The patients should be asked whether they have any large organ disease. If there is any, the currnt status of the post treatment should be asked. Treatment is recommended in case of the instable general health. Drug allergy should be questioned. If there is any, choice of the drugs should be done carefully.
Intraoral and radiographic examination
Teeth, periodontal status and the bone under the missing tooth should be examined. The dental occlusion is also examined.
Preparation of the temporary dentures
They are the fixed or removable dentures prepared to replace the missing teeth until the abutments and the crowns are placed.
Implant application
After the anesthesia, usually an incision is made over the site and the implant is placed into the socket prepared in the bone. If it is not an flapless treatment, the incision is sutured.
Postoperative care
The first week after the implant application is the most important one for the healing. During this period, special mouthwashes should be used. Antibiotics should be used regularly. Ice should be applied to the operation site in the first 24 hours intermittently and extraorally. Extremely hot drinks and solid food should be avoided.
Porcelain Crowns
Porcelain crowns should be placed after the healing period of 2 months.
Frequently Asked Questions
Zirconium Crowns
Zirconia is a very durable and hard ceramic used as a core material in full ceramic restorations. In today's dentistry, zirconium crowns that combine the features of esthetics and high strength are used frequently and are usually preferred on the front teeth due to their natural appearances.
Zirconium crowns have many advantages over conventional porcelain-to-metal crowns:
Because the underlying metal of the porcelain-to-metal crowns refracts the light, teeth appear to be opaque. The light permeability of the zirconium crowns are as for the natural teeth, so they look like less artificial.
Porcelain-to-metal crowns can show through as a dark line at the margins of gingiva in time. But especially for the anterior areas where the esthetics is more important, the zirconium crowns look more natural. Porcelain-to-metalcrowns are cemented conventionally whereas the zirconium crowns can be cemented mechanically and chemically by the dual-cure cements. Because of the high adhesion capability, fracture or debonding of the crown are prevented.
Nickel used in metal core of a porcelain-to-metal crown can cause allergic reactions in some patients. But materials used in zirconium crowns are all biocompatib
Frequently Asked Questions
Teeth Whitening (Dental Bleaching)
Teeth Whitening (Dental Bleaching) is the procedure applied to lighten the darkened teeth due to the various reasons. Hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide that are found in bleaching gel provides whitening by reacting with the dental hard tissue (oxidation).
Frequently Asked Questions
Pink Aesthetics
Gingiva that is one of the most important criteria to ensure an ideal aesthetics during a smile should be considered.
The levelling of the excessive gingival display (gummy smile) during a smile, the levelling of the asymmetric gums and the removal of the dark pigments on the gums play major roles in providing "Pink Esthetics".
Excessively visible or asymmetric gums are levelled by periodontal operations or laser therapy. Removal or reduction of dark spots on the gums that is called as "Depigmentation therapy" is possible by lasers.
After the pink aesthetics is obtained, a complete aesthetic integrity can be provided by teeth whitening, porcelain laminates or zirconium crowns.
AD/CAM stands for "computer-aided design" and "computer-aided manufacturing". In CAD/CAM technology, parts and components used in dentistry are designed and manufactured precisely by a milling device connected to a computer with an integrated software.
Due to the CAD/CAM technology that was introduced in 1988, today, restorations can be done extraorally, in laboratuary or in dental office.
For a production of a CAD/CAM restoration, the dentist takes a digital photo of the prepared tooth by a small intraoral camera. This digital photo provides 3D information about the adjacent teeth, the defect to be restored and the size of the tooth. Dentist draws the design of the required restoration on the computer screen by using CAD/CAM software. After the required information (restoration type, contours) has been entered, tooth-colored ceramic block or composite material are formed by diamond burs in the milling device for the production of the designed restoration. The restoration removed from the device is tried out intraorally, polished and bonded respectively.
Today, CAD/CAM systems can be used in the production of porcelain or composite inlays, onlays, crowns and laminate veneers. Porcelain or composite CAD/CAM restorations are very durable and esthetic due to their natural appearances. Compared to the conventional restorations that can be placed intraorally after for at least two sessions, CAD/CAM inlays, onlays, laminate veneers and crowns often can be placed in a single session without the need for any impression. Therefore, CAD/CAM restoration is an advantage for patients with nausea reflex during impression taking and who do not have time for a second appointment.