Eye Surgery
Refractive and Laser Eye Surgery
Traditional LASIK (Laser-In-Situ-Keratomileusis) Technique is the most practiced surgical procedure for resolving of the eyesight problems with dominating approximately ninety percent of eye operations worldwide. At the same time, it’s certainly not the only option for living your day-to-day life without relapsing eye problems.
Glasses or contact lenses are only useful while wearing them and also they don’t reduct or treat the current eye problems. They’re like proxies to the unhealthy eye in a manner of speaking. But in refractive surgery, it’s different; thanks to the most modern operation techniques and the state of the art advanced laser systems (Excimer Laser Technique), it can resolve the personal needs of patients that are having eyesight problems like farsightedness (myopia), nearsightedness (hyperopia), irregularly shaped cornea (astigmatism) and age related shortsightedness (presbyopia). With a surgical operation, usually after a few hours after the treatment, unhealthy eye can regain an eyesight that does not need the usage of any glasses or contact lenses.
Refractive surgeries’ success scope can be different. Basically refractive lens surgery and cornea surgery (laser treatment) have their share of differences.
The type and the size of the eye problem can be the decisive factor for selecting the operation’s procedure. Any eyesight problems or any mishaps of the refractive strength can be fixed by surgical procedures on the cornea layer and/or the eye lens.
These are the most important operation methods in the cornea surgeries: LASIK (Laser-in-situ-Keratomileusis), Femto-LASIK (Laser-Assisted-In-Situ-Keratomileusis) also known as iLASIK or Intra-LASIK, PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy), LASEK (Laser Epithelial Keratomileusis), Epi-LASIK (Epitheliale-in-situ-Keratomileusis) and also cornea implants and cornea tranplantation.
Refractive lens surgery is an alternative option for patients that have severe eyesight problems that cornea surgeries would fail to give any help for the solution.
In that case, some intraocular (lens) operations can be possible. In this method, body’s own lens would be replaced by an artificial lens or an additional artificial lens would be implanted to support the natural lens.
Techniques for resolving eyesight problems can be effected by personal factors. The techniques that has been mentioned here are only a couple of possible operations that can help resolving or reducing the effects of eyesight problems, effects of the said methods can change with problem’s type.
Goal is same with all of these procedures:
To make sure that you can live your life without ever needing any eyesight support!
Preconditions for Laser-Eye Treatment
Besides personal eyesight problems, every patient should be qualified for these preconditions for the operation:
- Eyesight shouldn’t have been changed more than one diopter within 12 months.
- Patient must be at least 18 years old.
- Patient should not have eye problems like cataract or glaucoma.
- In case of having a health problem like rheumatism and taking medication that can have a negative effect on the healing process of the cornea layer, operation can not be done.
- An eye operation must be avoided during pregnancy or in the lactation period.
- Patients must stop using hard contact lenses for four weeks before treatment and soft contact lenses for two weeks before treatment.
- Patients that have any allergic health problems, should plan their operation on a period that they don’t have any allergies.
Technical Details
The clinic that works in the field of refractive surgeries and making a co-operation with us, has a TÜV (Technical Inspection Agency) certificate and is one of the most modern clinics in Istanbul. It has the most advanced laser systems (femtosecond laser / Excimer Laser Technology) and also has state of the art diagnosis equipments of the leading firms of their sector. If you have any questions about our laser systems or diagnosis equipments, please contact us.
Eye Procedures: Interpretation of the most important operation methods and their possible practices
Cataract, also defined as lens blur, is a situation that occurs when lens loses it’s transparency, mostly after the age of sixty for the ninety percent of the cases. In cataract operations, the natural lens that has lost it’s natural transparency is being replaced by an artificial lens (IOL / Intraocular lens). A new artificial lens that has been made particularly for your eye is going to be implanted to your eye, depending of the meeting with your eye doctor. If you decide for a monofocal lens, you will need a glasses for your nearsightedness, because your eye will lose it’s accommodation reflex (the perception of near and distant). If you want to give up using glasses completely, a trifocal and/or a multifocal lens should be more suitable for you, because these lenses can make you see near, distant and anything in between without using any glasses.
Cataract operation is currently one of the most effective, the most regularly practiced and the most secure eyesight regulation treatments with incredibly low complication rate.
Keratoconus (Cornea deformation)
Keratoconus (in Latin), also known as cornea deformation, is a rare health problem that shows itself by slimming in the cornea of the eye and by deformation towards the front and also towards to the ground in a dome-like form. Cornea that is round in regular state, becomes a cone-like shape and effecting the clarity of the eyesight in a negative way. Patients that suffers from this problem are also usually suffering from hyperopia and astigmatism. In the early stages of keratoconus, eyesight problem can be resolved by wearing glasses or contact lenses.
Cornea-Crosslinking (CXL or CCL)
In the early stages, keratoconus can be resolved by Cornea-Crosslinking method (also can be defined as connecting the collagen bonds or connecting the corneal bonds). UV-Ray therapy that is conducting with Riboflavin eye drop (Vitamin B2) can slow down or even stop the advancement of keratoconus by strengthening the corneal tissues. Success rate of this low risked treatment is very promising, especially in the younger patients.
Cornea Implant (Intrastromal/Intracorneal Ring Segments, ICRS or Intacs)
Another one of the effective treatment method for corneas that has been submitted the keratoconus disease and slimming every day, is strengthening the cornea tissue by implanting the very thin ring segments (cornea rings) made from plexiglass. With this method, a possible corne implant can be delayed for a couple of years and the cornea deformation can be reduced or even completely stopped. This method can be successfully combined with Cornea-Crosslinking method and with that hyperopia problems to -4 diopters can be resolved.
Cornea Transplantation (Keratoplasty)
If cornea degeneration can not be resolved with varied methods or supports at an advanced stage, patients only choice is to replace their own cornea with a new, donated one, in another word they can be helped by a cornea transplantation.
If you want to learn more about the possibilies of the treatment, we advise you to get in contact with our online consulting service.
Phototherapeutic Keratectomy Treatments (PTK)
In phototherapeutic keratectomy treatment, different eye problems can be resolved by removing thin layers of tissue with an Excimer laser.
If you want to learn more about the possibilities of the PTK treatment or you have any questions, we advise you to get in contact with our online consulting service.
Age related nearsightedness (Presbyopia)
Age related nearsightedness is a natural and age related process that can be noticed first in about after the age 45. Because the resilliance of the eye lens decreases by aging, eye’s accommodation reflex (perception of near and distant) is decreasing too. Because of the loss of function in the adaptation skill of the eye in short distance, “arms are getting long” when reading and reading glasses becomes an obligation because of the increasing hyperopia. Loss of resilliance in the lens, unfortunately can not be resolved even by the most modern surgical techniques. But with modern treatment methods can regain most of the eyesight for short distances for younger ages.
Kamra-Implant for age related nearsightedness problem
This is the principle of the procedure: If any object is too close or too distant, or the environment is too dark, Kamra-Implant (also known as Kamra-Cornea Inlay or Kamra-Inlay) can imitate the typical eye squinting. Squinting is a small trick that’s effects only last for a short time limit. Eye can see clearer because of letting less light in to the pupil. Cornea-Inlay is practically giving the same effect because of the increased depth of field by focusing the perception in a designated area with closing the opening of the pupil. As a result, patient’s reading ability increases.
Eyesight problem treatment is possible by combining some of the methods for patients suffering from hyperopia, myopia and/or astigmatism.
Patients that are having retina problems like cronically increasing keratoconus, age related macular degeneration or eye problems like only one eye to see clearly, can not have Kamra-Implant for their age related nearsightedness.
The implant is smaller than a contact lens, lighter than a grain of salt and ten times thinner than a page of paper. (copyright of the picture belongs to KAMRA-Acufocus)
Kamra-Inlay is implanting under the cornea and over the pupil with the help of a femtosecond laser and this way, the eye becomes the “reading eye.” Even with this, farsighting ability can preserve it’s presence and spatial vision doesn’t have any negative influences.
Monofocal Lens & Kamra-Implant
For patients suffering from age related shortsightedness or cataract, the procedure that combines monofocal lens and KAMRA-Inlay is the best solution. In this procedure, while monofocal lens is replacing patient’s lens for improve the far sight, KAMRA-Inlay is implanted for the improval of the near sighting.
Multifocal Lens
Another treatment method for resolving of additional eyesight problems, besides age related shortsightedness, like myopia and/or cornea deformation, is replacing the body’s own natural lens with a multifocal lens in a torical (circular) shape. This method can resolve astigmatism (irregular shaping in the cornea) in a single operation as well as myopia and hyperopia.
In monovision treatment (also known as “Goetheblick”) while dominant eye is attuned to the farsight, the other eye is tuning for the nearsight, this is being done for the rectification of the lens’ accommodation reflex that has been weakened by the nature of aging. After this procedure, sometimes the brain needs some time to adjust itself to this unusual way of perception. To make sure that the patient can handle the monovision treatment, we recommend a simulation of the situation after the procedure with contact lenses before the operation.
Phake (Artificial) Intraocular Lenses for High Myopia and Hyperopia
As an addition to the natural lenses of the body, there are artificial lenses (eyepieces) called “Phakic Intraocular Lenses” (pIOL) that can be implanted to the anterior or vitreous chamber. The models that can also fix the cornea deformation are called sphero-toric lenses.
This operation method is being used on preferably younger patients for the treatment of high myopia or hyperopia and in some cases if the cornea is too thin for the laser treatment. These lenses are almost like contact lenses that implanted into the eye and they can preserve the accomodation reflex.
Intraocular Lens (IOL)
It can be effected by a lot of factors such as selecting the artificial lens, assessments of the patient and the ophthalmologist, personal needs and desires. There are a variety of models and retailers. Thus every artificial lens can be selected and manufactured for the costumer’s personal needs.
Possible Complications
Although possibility of having complications after a laser treatment is really low, there is an eye infection risk. To protect yourself from the infection, patients have being given proper antibiotic eye drops after treatment.
Risk of having an eye infection after laser treatment is one in 10.000 cases globally and that’s extremely low if you consider the fact that a contact lens user’s eye infection risk is 15 percent.